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ElitSD is  also a global network of governmental, non-governmental, and inter-governmental partners and plays a unique, systemic role as a provider of independent, original, non-partisan and critical reporting and facilitation services. The organization works to fulfill its mandate by carrying out three key functions:


•It functions as a forum for intergovernmental cooperation, deliberations, supported by discussions with experts, academics, governmental authorities, the private sector and civil society and exchanges of experience, aimed at consensus building in order to tackle the main deficiencies of the current multilateral trading system to move from the status quo by cooperating with our strategic parents.  ElitSD stands for inter alia, demand and improve protection for rights to life and health, mobilize individual and community resource groups for improving the environment, share information and resources with other groups about common environmental and economic, political and institutional concerts to free and fair trade, pressure firms and industries to clean up and hold business accountable, increase group empowerment, pressure governments, policy makers and international courts and developers into taking seriously the rights and need to free and fair trade and the pacta sunt servanda principle of international and regional legally binding commitments.


•It undertakes research, policy analysis and data collection for the debates of government representatives and experts and international organizations such as the WTO, WIPO, European Union institutions (EU Commission directives and regulations, Parliament decisions, ECJ rulings) and international dispute settlement bodies in order to critically evaluate the international commitments and responsibilities of governments across the globe for freer and fair trade and sustainable development. i.e. ElitSD identifies knowledge gaps in international trade rules- and policy-making from a sustainable development perspective; it mobilizes the best expertise around the world through dialogue and research to address those gaps in a solution-oriented way; it processes the knowledge generated through these processes so that it is applied and relevant for international policy making processes; and it delivers this knowledge to sustainable development constituencies in a timely manner.


•It provides technical assistance and legal advice thought our legal advisors tailored to the specific requirements of developing countries, with special attention to the needs of the least developed countries and of economies in transition. When appropriate, ElitSD cooperates with other organizations and donor countries in the delivery of technical and legal assistance to governments while negotiating and conducting business with the European Union and other international governments or international organizations and also to private companies that comply with our standard of promoting only products and firms that support freer and fair trade, and sustainable development respecting the rule of law and human rights standards.


•According to our constitution: we promote sustainable production also consumption: ElitSD is only committed to advice firms, persons and governments that do comply with international law, in terms of human rights, freer and fair trade, and the rule of democracy and sustainability (as defined above ) and that do not follow i.e. any of the following problems of the current production patterns: -i.e.they cannot use materials and processes that cause environmental degradation and health hazards or inefficiency of production which causes losses and environmental degradation, failure to reflect negative externalities in product costs, energy, water and fertilizer subsidies, which benefit mostly the non poor and transaction costs that are significantly higher for the poor. Our clients must have a clear commitment for respecting international law, labor and human rights standards as a pre condition for freer and fair trade and to conduct any enterprise.  

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